Terms and Conditions
Using (visiting or purchasing products) this site implies accepting its terms and conditions. For the best use of the website, it is advisable to carefully read the terms and conditions.
The website is operated by AVG EDUCATION SERVICES LIMITED in England and Wales Company registration number: 11258964
VAT registration number 402 4957 10, headquartered in Suite 612, 1-3 Coventry Road, Essex, IG1 4QR, London.
The product photos on the online store are for presentation purposes only. These may sometimes differ from the product they show.
You agree and accept that, without prior notice, we may delete or add any information on the website, discontinue any activity on the website, or archive some contents of the website, and if reference is made to other websites, we do not guarantee and/or in no way confirm the type of information you will find on these websites. It remains to your appreciation whether or not you visit these websites or take into account the information therefrom.
In using the service, you agree to provide true, accurate, up-to-date and complete information about you, as specified in the user registration section, and agree to provide this information correctly and completely. If we believe that this obligation is not being met by you, we reserve the right to block your access, for a fixed or indefinite period, for the use of the service, without prior notice.
Our service includes administrative and commercial communications that will be sent to you when you decide to register as a user.